
Finally, as promised the much ballyhooed, long awaited Crudmuffins recipe. Furnished by culinary genius and human being extraordinaire, THE Aunty Katherine.
Let me tell you they are flipping delicious. My favorite one had biscotti bits on top and I think Nutella in the middle. It was un-be-lievable.
I’d love to hear if anybody comes up with some differant falvor combinations. Just leave me a heads up in the comment box.

Pandora’s Crudmuffins

~~Preheat oven to 375 degrees – bake on middle rack
~~Butter the muffin tins (timing is for the smaller, 2 oz tins… makes 14-16 per single recipe)

Single recipe Double recipe
2 cups 4 cups All purpose flour
¼ cup ½ cup sugar
1 Tbs 2 Tbs Baking powder
½ tsp 1 tsp Baking soda
¼ tsp ½ tsp salt
3 or 4 6 or 4 Grated rind of oranges (single recipe @ 4 oranges = 1 cup)
1 c 2 c Mini chocolate chips
~~ mix above ingredients in large bowl
~~ in small bowl mix:
1 2 Large egg
1 cup 2 cups Buttermilk
¼ cup ½ cup Melted unsalted butter
1 tsp 2 tsp Vanilla extract
~~ Pour over flour mixture and fold in until just moistened
~~ Spoon a heaping Tbs in each cup, and flatten

~~ add Pandora’s gift:
• Small scoop of Marmalade
• Small scoop of Nutella
• Hershey Kiss
• Hunk of chocolate bar
• Fruit slice – apple, strawberry, blackberry…
• “Plumped” fig, prune or apricot
• … anything nice!

~~ cover with Tbs batter (cups should be pretty full), and then add Crud to the top, and press in slightly… any combination of:
• broken biscotti bits
• broken chocolate covered espresso beans
• chocolate covered pomegranate seeds
• broken chocolate covered almonds
• coarse granola (avoiding raisins or nuts)
• … anything that adds crunch (but not nuts… they roast too much in the cooking)


  1. omg. too amazing. My mouth is watering just reading the recipe! I’m gonna have to try me some of these (with the nutella, of course. I am a mad fiend of nutella).
    What a sweet gift your aunt has given to you. I love that it came from your wonderful book!

  2. I love that they all look different and that you can’t tell what’s on the inside by the topping (well that’s how auntie makes makes them, it’s up to the cook) they’re all yummie

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